Currently, WhatsApp is the most popularly used messaging platform. Almost everyone who owns a mobile phone will have WhatsApp installed into it without any doubt. This messenger has already taken over all the other messaging platforms. The added advantage is that WhatsApp also allows for voice calls and video calls apart from exchanging text messages and multimedia messages. So if you can tap into someone else’s WhatsApp account, you can know quite a lot about what he’s been up to lately. It is not a concern if you cannot get access to the targeted phone in person. There are a number of spy softwares that allow you to track WhatsApp without the person getting any whiff of it. So you can do your job anonymously, without worrying about getting discovered. TheTruthSpy is one such risk-free way to spy on Whatsapp messages . Given below are the reasons why TheTruthSpy may be better than other spying softwares. WhatsApp Hack: How to hack WhatsApp WhatsApp Hack: What do you unders...