Currently, WhatsApp is the most popularly used messaging platform. Almost everyone who owns a mobile phone will have WhatsApp installed into it without any doubt. This messenger has already taken over all the other messaging platforms. The added advantage is that WhatsApp also allows for voice calls and video calls apart from exchanging text messages and multimedia messages. So if you can tap into someone else’s WhatsApp account, you can know quite a lot about what he’s been up to lately. It is not a concern if you cannot get access to the targeted phone in person. There are a number of spy softwares that allow you to track WhatsApp without the person getting any whiff of it. So you can do your job anonymously, without worrying about getting discovered. TheTruthSpy is one such risk-free way to spy on Whatsapp messages. Given below are the reasons why TheTruthSpy may be better than other spying softwares.
WhatsApp Hack: What do you understand with hack WhatsApp tool?
Social media plays an important role to communicate people who are far from you. Doesn’t matter how far you are from your friend or others, with some virtual devices you can easily communicate to that people. Before decades, limited people have some electronic virtual devices and also the technology allows few people to communicate simultaneously. If look current situation of communication technology, you can experience various virtual devices such as mobile phone, computers, and many more. These devices developed to perform different tasks but now, they are mostly used to use different mobile application software. Social media platforms are famous way to contact someone. These offer users to share different media files. It can perform various tasks, therefore, people want WhatsApp Hack to get confidential information about user.
How to Hack WhatsApp Messages
Method 1: Using WhatsApp Hack TheTruthSpy
TheTruthSpy is basically application software that offers users to hack someone’s WhatsApp Messages from their computer or Smartphone. It is a set of program this is programmed in manner to trap all the digital data and minimize the size. Now, the program waits for getting the internet connectivity. When the device is connected to the internet network, it sends all the trapped digital data to the particular website. This website can be accessed by the hacker and know all the necessary digital information. It is a simple hacking technique in which you do not need to perform any computer coding-decoding.
- Undetectable
The biggest concern about spying is getting discovered. This can put you into some serious trouble. This is the main reason why most people resort to TheTruthSpy. This software will update you about the targeted person’s whereabouts without giving them a whiff that they are being tracked. This may be the safest software for spying on WhatsApp.
- GPS tracking
This is one of the best features with using TheTruthSpy. The software tracks the GPS location of a phone and gives you a continuous update. This can be a great plus point if you want to know where your children and spouse have been hanging around, behind your back.
- Read messages instantly
Unlike other spying software, TheTruthSpy gives constant updates about the messages that are being exchanged from a certain phone. You also do not miss out on anything if you are not logged into your account. The application will store all information and notify you whenever you log in to your account. Apart from WhatsApp, TheTruthSpy can also be used to spy over other messaging platforms like Skype, Viber, Line and hangouts.
- Check the call logs
TheTruthSpy not only allows you to read text messages, but also shows the list of all contacts that have been in touch with the person. You can view the entire call history and even check the exact date and time the call was being made.
- Listen to recorded calls
This is a rare feature for a spying software right, but it is possible with TheTruthSpy. This app allows you to listen to all recorded audio and video calls that have been made using WhatsApp. You can even retrieve deleted calls and listen to those as well.
- View multimedia
TheTruthSpy allows you to check every multimedia messages that have been sent or received using WhatsApp. You can view photos, videos and audio files. You may also read document files that have been exchanged through the platform. No wonder this is the perfect software for spying on anyone and everyone.
Method 2: How to hack WhatsApp via Database (Rooted)
If target phones have installed WhatsApp, you need Rooted to access WhatsApp database.
DB_WHATSAPP_PATH = “data/data/com.whatsapp/databases/”;
Method 3: Decrypt & Read Chats from WhatsApp Backup File on Android
Step 0: Backup WhatsApp Conversations on Android Phone.
1) Go to WhatsApp > [Menu Button] > Settings > Chat Settings
2) Tap [Backup Conversations]
Step 1: Find the WhatsApp backup folder and copy it on your computer
Step 2: Run Backuptrans Android WhatsApp Transfer (
1) Go to WhatsApp > [Menu Button] > Settings > Chat Settings
2) Tap [Backup Conversations]
Step 2: Run Backuptrans Android WhatsApp Transfer (
Step 3: Decrypt and Extract successfully.
Now you can read all WhatsApp messages you have backed up on Backuptrans Android WhatsApp Transfer software. Simply click “Export”, “Print” or “Restore” buton on tool bar if you want to export WhatsApp Messages to file, print WhatsApp Messages or transfer messages from database to device.
Now you can read all WhatsApp messages you have backed up on Backuptrans Android WhatsApp Transfer software. Simply click “Export”, “Print” or “Restore” buton on tool bar if you want to export WhatsApp Messages to file, print WhatsApp Messages or transfer messages from database to device.
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